Gay men having sex on u tube videos

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Wavey began by making videos that addressed misconceptions about gay people, 'Like that all gay men are hairdressers or sexually promiscuous or that we’re weak', but now describes his videos as 'focused on the misconceptions, stigmas, and issues within our LGBT community. Wavey talks about love and sex, often appearing shirtless. His channel, 'wickydkewl', has over a million subscribers from 150 countries. He became well-known after his 2007 video, “ I Caught My Hot Neighbor Masturbating! (with sound)” went viral, reaching over 2 million views. Wavey's first YouTube video was on June 21, 2007. He has lived in Rhode Island, New York City, Washington, D.C., Buenos Aires, Toronto, and West Hollywood, California. He came out as gay when he was 16 while attending a Catholic high school. Early life ĭavey Wavey grew up in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, in a conservative Catholic family.

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Wavey is also the creator of, an erotic video platform. His YouTube channel has over a million subscribers. Davey Wavey (born July 12, 1983) is an American YouTuber who covers LGBT topics related to sex, relationships, and coming out.

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