Colorful gay anime boy

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On May 2nd, 2022, gimmick Twitter account Breaking Bad Irony posted the macro, with the tweet gaining over 2,700 retweets and 41,100 likes in less than 24 hours. In the following days, more scroll-down videos of the comments were posted on Twitter, YouTube and Reddit. I spent too much time on this /Zdc4vljavk The video gained over 24,900 views, 90 retweets and 850 likes in four days (shown below). On April 30th, 2022, less than an hour after the viral tweet, Twitter user posted a video in which they scrolled down the replies. The figure skating routines were expertly choreographed by professional figure skater Kenji Miyamoto, and the animated execution beautifully captures the artistry. The quote tweeted post contained multiple 'You guys ever had gay thoughts? Lmao' replies left by users and others, including a top (at that time) reply by user Īs tweet went viral, the Better Call Saul gathered hundreds of spam replies with the macro. Yuri on Ice is not only a blush-inducing boy love anime but also a stunning example of award-winning animation.

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The format did not achieve major recognition until April 30th, 2022, when Twitter user quote tweeted an April 7th post by the account, writing, 'look at the replies.' The post received over 11,200 retweets and 96,400 likes in four days (shown below, left).

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